Ask If You Have Not Received

Humans are born with longings and desires. It is embedded in us to hope, to seek, and to discover. With the wisdom from the book of proverbs, the author expressed how powerful desires are.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

When was the last time you desired something that pulls deep in you, that touches the innermost of your being? For some, our desires may be something material. It could be the house we’ve always dreamed of, or that gadget/machine we really need to do what we love doing. Oftentimes, when we fail to get what we hoped for, we grieve. It could be an examination we did not pass, a baby one could not have, or a business that did not work. All of these among many other things has brought grief in the hearts of many men. God has a great promise for all of us who might be struggling with our hopes and dreams.

Everyone who asks receives… Luke 11:10

This is not a promise that turns God into a genie. This does not mean that everything we ask for will be given. For like good parents, God knows that not all things you ask for can be good for you. What this means is… WE CAN ALWAYS ASK. This means that sometimes, with all the inner struggles in each of us, all we have to do to receive from God is to ask! How many times have we fallen in a trap where we keep strugging trying to make something work in our own strength when the key is to ASK.

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